Stones River National Battlefield

The National Parks Passport Book creates this insatiable urge to see what sort of NPS sites are nearby whenever and wherever we travel, so that we can get that stamp! For Spring break we traveled to visit family in Atlanta and Nashville. We weren’t able to go out of the way at all in Atlanta to get any stamps. In Nashville, we did find ourselves with an extra day, so we took a short drive to Murfreesboro to visit an NPS site that we would have probably not known about if it were not for the Passport Book.

Cousins at the Stones River National Battlefield Visitor Center
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Stone Mountain Park, Atlanta, Georgia

We’re not very much “city people”, and tend to gravitate more towards the off-the-beaten-path, remote and secluded areas whenever we have the chance. I suppose the exceptions we make would be for family! This break, we visited two cities as we visited family in Atlanta and Nashville.

This is only our second time that the four of us have visited Atlanta. Since we had a free day this time, we looked in the National Parks Passport Book to see what stamp locations were nearby. There are plenty in Georgia, but the closest were a couple of hours away from where we were staying. We’ll have to save those for another trip!

We wound up heading to Stone Mountain to spend the day. It’s neat to find a place like this in an otherwise geographically flat area. Despite how many people were on the trail to the summit with us, we never felt crowded.

The partially completed carving on the side of Stone Mountain
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