About Us

We are a family of four, we love the Lord, love each other, love to meet new friends everywhere we go, and we and love to explore God’s creation!

We bought the domain “nhnomads.com” almost a decade ago, with the intent of chronicling our Geocaching adventures. As our life moved on and the kids got into school, our Geocaching expeditions got fewer and farther between. We still hunt Geocaches, and they fit in with our exploring as they quite often bring us to places that we would not have found otherwise.

Over the past few years, we have developed a passion to camp, discover new places, and spend time outdoors. Without the kids, we had gone tent-camping a couple of times and really enjoyed that. Now that the kids are a bit older, we wanted to include them in those memories. We purchased a travel trailer in July 2017 and plan to use this website to journal our travel and camping experiences. (And yes, I know … camping in a travel trailer is not really “camping”, but it works for us in this chapter of our life!)

These pages may be used for our own nostalgic purposes, or to refresh our memories about places that we have been as we plan new adventures. You are welcome to travel with us by proxy as you read through these pages, or learn from our experiences (repeat what works, avoid what does not!) as you are planning adventures of your own.

Contacting Us

If you would like to contact us for any reason, the best way to do so would be through our Facebook page:
