The Union Pacific double-track main line splits in Vail, Arizona. East of the town, the lower track follows Cienega Creek, and the other track crosses over the lower line and the creek, making for a great spot to watch trains go over and under you (sometimes at the same time)!
Within minutes of our arrival to this spot on November 3, this westbound container train being hauled by a trio of Norfolk Southern locomotives made its way across the Cienega Creek Bridge. While it is not unusual for us to see NS trains, it did seem unusual to see NS power so far from its home rails.Continue reading “Cienega Creek Bridge, Arizona”
Anywhere we go, we like to look for unique places to watch and photograph railroad activity. Last year, we accidentally found a spot in the Mojave Desert that was super busy with BNSF traffic. As I was putting plans together for this trip, I pulled up a map and followed that route east to see what parts of Arizona it crossed through. I saw that it paralleled our journey between Flagstaff and Petrified Forest National Park (it actually goes through the middle of that park). One spot that particularly caught my interest was where the line crossed Canyon Diablo, just east of Flagstaff.
Berea is one of the “big three” Northern Ohio railfanning locations. CSX and Norfolk Southern have busy double-track lines that run right alongside each other, following the coastline of Lake Erie. Here at Berea, the lines come directly alongside of each other.