After almost a decade of sporadic use, we are giving a makeover. I am keeping the WordPress platform, but implementing a new theme and changing the focus of the content.
While it started with intent to be a Geocaching blog, our activity in that hobby diminished greatly once the kids got into school. We still cache, and still enjoy many aspects of that hobby very much. But, Geocaching is a small part of a bigger passion that the family has now: traveling!
With the acquisition of a travel trailer in 2017, we have new horizons to pursue. This site will hopefully turn into a place were we can chronicle our adventures (including adventures of the Geocaching sort) in a way that will be helpful and informative to others that would like to either “arm-chair travel” or plan their own expeditions.
Since we’ve been camping for over a year, there will be some “old” posts that will pop up, as I will back-date them to coordinate with the time that we visited. I’m a bit OCD about keeping things in order, even if I am not OCD about getting things posted right away! (Which means that a lot of people miss my photos on Facebook because a backdated album upload doesn’t show up in people’s newsfeeds … but if this website works like I hope it should, I’ll be mostly getting off of Facebook again anyway).
No promises, but … stay tuned for updates on our travel adventures, including tips and tricks that we have learned along the way.